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Join date: Jan 21, 2019


Hi, I'm Joyce. I am 25 and I live in Texas. I am new to the reptile community, and i just got my first one who is a ball python. I found the goherping YouTube channel and it has already helped me so much! Alex is so knowledgeable and also funny. I have one other pet, she is a dog who I love.

I am currently a Cosmetology student and my hobbies include painting, music, reading, drinking tea and cooking. I am an introvert so I do tend to enjoy most of my free time at home or doing things on my own. I also am a nature lover and love to travel. I have a quite a few tattoos and I love all of them. I plan on getting a big snake peice soon. I am also a Harry Potter fan and am a Slytherin house girl so I named my ball python Narcissa, after Draco Malfoy's mother. My favorite colors are cool colors (purples, blues, and greens) however, I cannot pick which are my favorites out of these and I also love black. So that is about all I can think of off the top of my head, if I think of anything else, I'll throw it in.


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